OPTIONS PROCESS 2023 - 24 (year 9)
The options process is an important stage of school life; it is a rite of passage, moving from key stage 3 to key stage 4.
Our process at John Ferneley College is designed to support young people in making the best choices they possibly can.
The following timeline outlines the key activities of the options process and when they will occur.
13th November - onwards
Subjects will be sharing information with students on the courses that they offer in Year 10 and 11. Different departments will do this through a variety of different methods that will include:
- Explaining it in lesson time
- Running sessions at lunch or after school
- Presentations in form time or assembly
- Providing written information in the options booklet or a leaflet
Wednesday 10th January 2024 - year 9 options assembly
Students will have an assembly that outlines the options process to them, in preparation for the options marketplace event the following week.
Wednesday 17th January 2024 - options marketplace evening, 5pm - 7pm
Students and parents can gather information about all the different subjects that are available and have conversations with subject leaders. Students and parents will also hear how the options process works.
You can find the full presentation from the Options Marketplace Evening included in the links at the bottom of this page.
Wednesday 31st January 2024 - year 9 parents' evening (virtual), 4pm - 7pm
This is a chance to talk to your child's teachers and find out how well they are progressing in their subjects. For subjects that are options, it will be useful to think about the teacher's comments in relation to studying that subject in Year 10 and 11.
1st February - 16th February 2024 - students pick their options
Deadline for submitting options: Friday 16th February.
Guidance on how to complete and submit their options form is included as part of the presentation at the bottom of this page.
17th February - 30th April 2024 - options for next year being finalised
The school data team collate all the student option choices, working out what the classes will be for the following year. During this stage, students/parents may be contacted if courses are oversubscribed or do not have enough students selecting them to be able to run. Reserve subjects will be discussed at this stage.
These were produced and used during COVID.
Subject leaders have left their videos here, if they are still relevant, but they are not a replacement for visiting the subject areas at the options marketplace and having conversations with subject teachers wherever possible.
- Maths
- Science
- Geography
- History
- Art and Design
- Design and Technology
- Food and Nutrition
- Drama
- Music
- Business Studies
- Enterprise and Marketing
- Computer Science
- iMedia
- Media Studies
- Health and Social Care
- Child Development
Options booklet
You can find the full booklet linked at the bottom of this page.
Should you need any further support with the Options process, please get in touch via our message form.